budget tips travel travel budget Aug 23, 2023


Travel takes us out of our comfort zones and inspires us to see, taste and try new things. Many of us seem to worry too much when planning to have a vacation. We allocate an ample amount of money for a single trip but oftentimes, we forget it is possible to go on a vacation with a small budget.


Here are some tips from my recent trip that can help you too!


  1. Plan ahead of time. Yes, planning months before your desired dates is a must! Plan where you will stay, eat, and Transporation. DIY is much better than using a travel agent. There are lots of articles on the internet today where you can get insights from other travelers. 
  2. Travel during the low season. You can always have your vacation even if it is not a peak season, it's cheaper! Book your flights in advance! Take advantage of airline deals and discounts as well to save almost half of the regular price. To add more, Midweek travel is always cheaper and fly economy too - there’s no need to upgrade to business class no matter how nice it looks. The money you save on cheap seats can be spent for foods or accommodation when you arrive.
  3. Be accommodation-wise. Staying in an Airbnb accommodation is a lot cheaper than a hotel suite. You can also reach out to friends or family and plan a visit to where they live now. This could take you to visit places you would never have thought of before.
  4. Take public transport. Buses and trains are way cheaper than planes. A journey on an overnight train also means you have one less night stay in an accommodation to pay for…
  5. Pack wisely. Pack light and use only a hand luggage or a backpack, take everything you need so that you don’t have to shop while you’re away (except for some souvenirs). 
  6. Do as the locals do. Aim to wonder around before choosing a place to eat. Alternatively, Airbnb accommodations and hostels often let you access kitchen if you want to save a little money by cooking for yourself.
  7. Check for free stuff you can do. Research for FREE activities that you can do around the city. Visiting public places such as parks, national museums, churches, art galleries are often free. Ask the locals to guide and advice you.
  8. Earn while you are out of town. Are you an “on the go” type of person? Working holidays are a brilliant way to afford several months of the year or more living the travel dream. You can take freelancing jobs while on a travel and earn as well! Opportunities are literally endless!


You can enjoy traveling even if you are on a budget, you can always achieve the best experience possible so go out and quench your wanderlust. Experience is far more valuable than money will ever be. it is important to strike a good balance in life.  


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