Take Control of Your Finances: Smart Strategies for Investing and Retirement future security golden age Nov 26, 2024



In this blog post, we discuss how to stop worrying about retirement and start actively planning for it! This guide delivers actionable advice on investing and building a...

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Step 7 - Give Freely and Become More Wealthy Oct 17, 2024

Through all these steps, step 7 is truly a rewarding step; you became 

Diligent in financial planning 


Effective in Budgeting 


By using the skills and...

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Step 6 - Pay off the Mortgage Early low interest rate mortgage payment outsmart bank Oct 17, 2024

PAY OFF LOW INTEREST DEBT. This is  house or a really large student loan. Lets say we have a $100,000 student loan at 6% interest this where we pay that off. 


Do not pay off the...

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Eliminate Debt Faster with These Proven Strategies avalanche team snowball Sep 15, 2024

A debt is fine as long as it is controllable. You must be in control of your debt, whether it is small or not, and it is also necessary to strategize managing it. 

Debt is undeniably walking...

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What is budgeting? budget mode budget with me budgetarian Dec 28, 2023

How do you budget?


Do you want to save. YOU NEED A BUDGET!

Do you want to pay off debt. YOU NEED A BUDGET!

Do you want to invest. YOU NEED A BUDGET!

Everything you plan financially...

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Step 4 - Get Those Investments Going investment step 4 Dec 27, 2023

We all need to Invest at least 15% of iour income in the stock market, the whole market. If we read some studies on the subject, we find that the entire market index fund performs better than 90%...

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Step 3 - Build the Real Rainy-Day Fund fund rainy fund step 3 Dec 27, 2023




Now is the time to build a real emergency fund or rainy day fund, whatever you want to call it, FU, or opportunity fund in some cases. 



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Step 2 - Pay Off All Debt Except the Mortgage debt step 2 Dec 27, 2023

Pay off all debts except the Mortgage.


Pay off all debts smallest to largest, this is called the debt snowball.  In this process we are paying off the debt so fast it...

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DO NOT GET INTO CONSUMER DEBT bad debt money Dec 27, 2023


We must get rid of consumer debt so we can be on a secure footing, which will allow us to save, invest, and take larger "risks" without betting the home and family...

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My Takeaway from the Path to Financial Freedom path to freedom Dec 26, 2023

My Takeaway from the Path to Financial Freedom

  1. Budget and get out of debt so you can invest (Ramsey baby steps)
  2. Save and pounce on opportunity.
  3. Invest for growth with no fees. (Buffett, Bogle,...
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NumberBarn Dec 26, 2023

Here is my Experience with NumberBarn


I ported my phone numbers in to NumberBarn.com for $2 per month.  They will work very hard to get the numbers ported into their system.  You...

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